The Eagle is a Action movie historical epic film directed by Kevin Macdonald, and starring Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell, and Donald Sutherland. Adapted by Jeremy Brock from Rosemary Sutcliff's historical adventure novel The Eagle of the Ninth (1954), the film tells the story of a young Roman officer searching to recover the lost Roman eagle standard of his father's legion in the northern part of Great Britain. The story is based on the Ninth Spanish Legion's supposed disappearance in Britain.
The Eagle Action film HD Video free Download
Kevin Macdonald
Jeremy Brock (screenplay),
Rosemary Sutcliff (novel)
Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell and Donald Sutherland
The Eagle is beautifully shot and one wishes as much attention
had been paid to the story. So, Aquila's injury is so bad he can't be a
soldier anymore? But wait...a different doctor comes in and it's totally
fine. Aquila is terribly upset that he can't command soldiers, but when
his leg is fixed he decides to go on a suicide mission instead of
heading back to his troops.
A slave, who could easily gain his freedom on the other side of the
wall, decides that it's better to risk his life for his master...before
they become best buds? Spoiler alert, but not one of the surviving
soldiers decides to attempt to go home and instead choose to become one
of the unwashed Celts. A bunch of older guys manage to defeat what we
are told are some of the most ferocious warriors out there...and the
ones who kicked the asses of five thousand of their number years before.
It doesn't matter how pretty the landscape is -- the story is a
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